Trading Tools

Exclusive Guide
Trading Bots
Wallet Trackers
BC Channels
By joining Bull City, you gain access to several exclusive tools that will help you improve your trading and turn you into the top 1% of worldwide memecoin traders.
Every member receives the full trading guide "from 0 to hero". After studying this guide, you will be equipped with all neccesary tools to become a profitable trader.
Get access to all Bull City channels and groups on Telegram. This includes: community channel, scan channel, and calls channel.
Our team will equip you with the most advanced and wide range of trading tools, that are available on the market. There's a tool for every trader.
Tracking alpha wallets is essential to gain an edge over the competition and find out where the market's liquidity is flowing. Our tools help you take advantage of this.
Contact Us

Reach out to Bull City for support in your meme coin trading journey and community inquiries.